Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does the Guru Work with Transfer Students?

    Transferring credits from Pennsylvania community colleges to a college in Pennsylvania is often pretty easy.  In fact, under a program called PA TRAC, all of the PASSHE state schools (West Chester, Kutztown, Shippensburg, etc.), the state-related schools (Pitt, Penn State and Temple), plus a few other universities will allow the transfer of up to 30 credits of foundation courses, although some more advanced courses, especially in a student's declared major may not transfer.  PA TRAC participating universities will also transfer all of the courses from a completed Associates degree, so a student can take two years worth of courses at a community college and transfer all 60 credits, as long as the student earns an Associates Degree.  Transferring credits from NJ community colleges to NJ state and state-related institutions is set up in similar fashion through a system called NJ TRANSFER.

    If you're transferring within one of these systems, then you probably don't need College Match Guru's help.  However, transferring credits between schools in different states or to private institutions is much less routine. Generally, 100 or even 200 level courses transfer, but some colleges, especially the more competitive ones, won't allow even basic courses in major to transfer.  This means students could loose credit for many of the courses they took, even if they only completed their first year of college.  

    If you find that your college didn't fit the first time around, then I urge you to consider our services. We can help make sure that your new college has everything you need to make "College 2.0" a great experience.  Whether the problem was academic, social or cultural, College Match Guru can help guide you through the process of identifying good fit schools and completing your transfer applications.

  • Is Academic Consulting Expensive?

    Visiting a dozen schools in a hit-or-miss approach to finding an acceptable school is expensive. Applying to 20 schools before you’ve visited them is expensive too. Going through the hassle of transferring schools is really expensive, and the most recent data available show 35% of students entering 4-year colleges end up transferring. Finding a college where your child excels is beyond value. 


    Compared to the cost of attending a 4-year college (up to $250,000), the cost of a consultant is a drop in the proverbial bucket. College Match Guru's Comprehensive Program guides students through every facet of the college process, but CMG offers more targeted programs as well.  Please see our list of services by clickinghere. CMG programs can fit every budget.  Hourly rates are comparable to what you’d pay a therapist, accountant or other professional consultant.  A small investment now can deliver a long lasting return from a successful college career.

  • What is an Independent Educational Consultant?

    An Independent Educational Consultant works one-on-one with each student, helping to identify colleges and universities that offer the best matches for the student's unique needs, and keeping the student on track through every phase of the college search and application process. We are not paid commissions or finders fees by any school and are thus “independent”.  

    The average high school Guidance Counselor oversees several hundred students and has responsibilities that include course scheduling, testing, and academic advising.  College counseling is often allotted a limited role in their busy schedules.   Independent Educational Consultants work full-time on college consulting, campus visits and research, and other related college issues.  They work with a small number of students – usually less than 50 – to insure that each is given all the time and assistance they need in order to find colleges that are right for them.

    Member consultants of the Independent Educational Consultant Association (IECA) adhere to a strict set of ethical guidelines that govern the actions of consultants in their relationships with students and families, schools and colleges, and colleagues. To learn more about IECA’s Principles of Good Practice, click here.

  • When Should We Start Working With the Guru?

    Some families start thinking about colleges early.  College Match Guru can offer freshmen and sophomores guidance on course selection, extracurricular activities and summer employment.  The Guru can help them develop a “next steps” plan to make their high school years productive.

    The fall of junior year is an ideal time to start the college search process.  It allows enough time to discuss career choices, grades and activities.  Starting the application process earlier with a clear understanding of the process can make it more thoughtful and less stressful. 

    Students getting ready to transfer have much less lead time than first-year freshmen, especially if it's an unplanned transfer. Applications for Fall term are usually due in March or early April and applications for Spring term are usually due by the beginning of November.  A minimum of three or four months is required for the Guru to help with college matching, applications and documents.

    If you are late coming into the process and discover you need some professional help, please don’t hesitate to call; College Match Guru is happy to assist your student anywhere in the process.  

  • Why Should I Hire College Match Guru?

    Choosing a college is one of the most important decisions we’ll make in our lives. College Match Guru believes that students and their families deserve access to the tools and information necessary to reliably develop a list of schools that fits the student academically, socially and financially.

    There are many components to a good college match.  Academics, extracurricular activities, school location, size and cost are some of the more important ones.  Bringing all these diverse elements together is like bringing instruments together to create a symphony.  Without the proper orchestration, it’s just noise.

    Yes, you can find the right college without guidance, many do.  You could also do your own taxes and cut your family’s hair.  But doing these things well requires expertise, time and money (a good pair of sheers cost more than $175, after all). That’s a hassle you really don’t need.  

    Our students apply to a wider range of colleges and universities than most students do and they produce very competitive applications, raising their chances of admission.  They can do this because they are guided along a path with easy, achievable goals at each step.  College Match Guru helps students achieve better results with a lot less stress.

    Why choose College Match Guru?  Less stress, less time, better choices.

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By Jeffrey Sibner February 19, 2025
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March 27, 2020
In many ways, seniors are in the cross-hairs of the COVID-19 pandemic. Their financial situations may have changed as the bottom fell out of the stock market. They aren't able to visit colleges to decide between their top choices. Their AP tests in May have been canceled and not rescheduled and the test format and scope have changed. Because things are changing daily, it's more helpful to provided links to dynamic resources than to publish lists of important changes to school policies at any given moment. 1. Visiting Schools and Deposit Deadlines NACAC, the National Association for College Admissions Counseling, has posted a searchable database that lists whether or not college are open to visitors, are hosting any admission events and whether or not they have changed their deposit deadlines. The database is searchable by college, location or status. Many colleges are developing resources to aid their accepted students. Smaller schools are doing Video conferences with admissions officers, many schools are providing Zoom meetings. Seniors should check with their school's admissions offices to see what resources are available. 2. Test Optional Policy Changes At the moment, a dozen schools that are not usually test optional will go test optional, at least for their 2021 applications. That number is likely to increase during the spring and summer. Fair Test keeps a current list of all test-optional schools and you can use this resource to see the list of schools that will be temporarily test optional. 3. AP Test Requirements If you're still confused about what the College Board is doing about AP tests or when the online tests will be administered, please use this link to AP Central for a detailed explanation of what you'll be required to know for each AP course. At this time, the test dates have not been published, so check the link often. One of testing partners is providing free on-demand AP tutoring in almost every subject. Please contact me if you are interested. If you have any specific questions, please know that College Match Guru is here to help! Give me a call or send me an email and I'll do all I can to help during this troubled time!
March 20, 2020
The College Board announced today that AP tests will not be given in their usual proctored format this year because of the Corona virus. Instead, students wishing to take the AP test will be offered the opportunity to take the tests at home. For most courses, the test will only include sections that should have already been covered in class. For the Art-related courses, students will need to submit a smaller number of works and investigations. AP tests are important because most colleges and universities will give students credit for AP test scores in the 4 and 5 range. This can allow students to substitute other classes so they can explore areas they may find interesting or to graduate early. AP tests are an indication that students have mastered their course work and most colleges consider AP courses in their admissions decisions. Art works and investigations will be due May 26th; testing dates for other courses have not yet been published. For more information, go to the College Board website https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/about-ap/news-changes/coronavirus-update .
March 16, 2020
Here in sunny Bucks County, spring is well underway. Everything from crocuses to Forsythia are in bloom. Of course, we're also on emergency lock down with non-essential businesses closed, including restaurants, theaters, and many small businesses. With that as a backdrop, COVID-19, the corona virus, has had a tremendous impact on college admissions too. Several colleges are moving their acceptance deadlines from the traditional May 1st to June 1st. This is to give accepted students more time to visit and make their decisions after the crisis has (hopefully!) passed. The list of schools affected is ever-changing, so if you are a senior looking to postpone your decision, please contact your schools' admissions offices to see if they are still on the May 1st deadline. A phone call never hurts! Many schools that haven't officially changed their admissions deadline will give you an extension if you call and ask. If you were planning to make your decision after visiting again during Accepted Student Days, you may be out of luck. Most schools have notified students they have canceled their ASDs. So how can you get more information to make your decision? Here are a few suggestions: Take a virtual tour -- go to websites like CampusReel or YouniversityTV that offer over 300 campus guided tours. Login to the school's Facebook page and join conversations with accepted students and upperclassmen Check out the schools' YouTube channels. Often the content here is superior to the schools' own web pages and can give you different insight on what the schools have to offer. Contact Admissions -- see if they can hook you up with a student in your intended major for a conversation via Skype or FaceTime. Go to the college's website and do some research. Check out the schools' course catalogs and compare the course descriptions from one program to the others on your list. Make sure you are getting (and reading!) emails that the colleges and universities are sending you. Check your college web-portals often. This is likely to offer you the most up-to-date, breaking news from the schools on your accepted list. Above all, don't panic! If you have specific questions about one school vs. another, make a list and call Admissions to get answers. If you're just waiting for an opportunity to visit a few campuses to confirm your choice, you should be able to postpone your decision until you've had your chance to get back on campus.
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